Synthetic sapphire stones are used in various industrial applications that require a material with high hardness, thermal stability, and resistance to chemicals. They are utilized in the manufacturing of high-precision bearings, mechanical seals, nozzles, and other components that need to withstand demanding environments.

Sapphire cup bearing, finely polished
Between the two bearings the instrument axis is freely- turning. It is ended with a radius (steel ball) smaler than the radius of the spherical recess. It absorbs especially axial pressures. It is used as a footstep bearing of the electricity meters of all kinds.
Sapphire cup bearing, medium polished
Between the two bearings the instrument axis is freely- turning. It is ended with a radius (steel ball) smaler than the radius of the spherical recess. It absorbs especially axial pressures. It is used as a footstep bearing of the electricity meters of all kinds.
Sapphire cover stone polished on both sides
Im assembly with a bored jewel it serves for pin seating of the gears in order to absorb axial pressures.
Sapphire cover stone
Im assembly with a bored jewel it serves for pin seating of the gears in order to absorb axial pressures.
Sapphire jewel with cylindrical hole without cups
In the bearing the cylindrical steel axis of the instrument is turning. The bearing absorbs both radial and axial pressures. The bearing is also used in combination with the cover (support) jewel. In the bearing assembly the jewel provides for constant axial distance necessary for gearing engagement, e.g. in aricraft board instruments, etc.
Sapphire jewel with olivated hole without cups
In the bearing the cylindrical steel axis of the instrument is turning. The bearing absorbs both radial and axial pressures. The bearing is also used in combination with the cover (support) jewel. In the bearing assembly the jewel provides for constant axial distance necessary for gearing engagement, e.g. in aricraft board instruments, etc.
Sapphire jewel with double-sided olivated hole
In the bearing the cylindrical steel axis of the instrument is turning. The bearing absorbs both radial and axial pressures. The bearing is also used in combination with the cover (support) jewel. In the bearing assembly the jewel provides for constant axial distance necessary for gearing engagement, e.g. in aricraft board instruments, etc.
Sapphire jewel with olivated hole
In the bearing the cylindrical steel axis of the instrument is turning. The bearing absorbs both radial and axial pressures. The bearing is also used in combination with the cover (support) jewel. In the bearing assembly the jewel provides for constant axial distance necessary for gearing engagement, e.g. in aricraft board instruments, etc.
Sapphire jewel with cylindrical hole
In the bearing the cylindrical steel axis of the instrument is turning. The bearing absorbs both radial and axial pressures. The bearing is also used in combination with the cover (support) jewel. In the bearing assembly the jewel provides for constant axial distance necessary for gearing engagement, e.g. in aricraft board instruments, etc.
Sapphire cone bearing
In the bearing a steel shaft is turning ended with a radius smaller than the radius of the bearing cone apex. It is used in measuring with a deflecting pointer (e.g. voltmeter, ammeter).
Sapphire medium claw
It fits in the film perforation in film projectors to carry out the poull down film motion.
Sapphire roller
It orients the run of the textile fibre. It is used thanks its low friction rate, high waer resistance and great chemical stability.
Sapphire gramophone needle, one-sided
It is used in gramophone pickups to pick up the sound.
Sapphire needle, double-sided
It is used in gramophone pickups to pick up the sound.
Sapphire writing stylet
It is used in recording instruments with a special multilayer foil. The point of the stylet ended with a small radius records the curve onto the foil.
Sapphire contact point
It is embedded in a special holder as a terminal contact of accurate measuring instruments.
Sapphire bed blate
The sapphire edge of analytical scales bears on the flat polished surface of the sapphire bed plate. It fulfils the function of a support bearing.
Sapphire edge
The sapphire edge bears on the polished surface of the sapphire bed plate in analytical scales.
Unpolished sapphire fibre conductor
The fibre guides are mounted in special high-speed spindles. The fibre passing over the guide (twisting pin) will curl and crimple under rotation.
Sapphire fibre conductor
The fibre guides are mounted in special high-speed spindles. The fibre passing over the guide (twisting pin) will curl and crimple under rotation.

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